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Totally lost, can't get options page to display

  • Where am I going wrong?

    I’ve included the options page plugin into my theme. Then I go in and create a field groud, called it Options and added a couple of fields.

    Then I select the rules for that and pick Options Page is equal to Options.

    Then when I publish I get no errors etc.

    Now where do I go? Am I right in thinking it should create a new menu item called Options? Or do I have to register that first (, then add the field group?

    Sorry if it’s very dumb, been pulling my hair out trying to work out what to do!

  • Hi @Jamie

    By activating / including the options page, you will see a new menu item called ‘Options’ in your sidebar menu.

    If you don’t see this itme, please check that you don’t have any plugins interfering with the display.


  • It’s bizarre, if I use the options page as an include, it shows in the ACF Addons page as being there, but not option menu appears – I include it along with my other fields.

    define( 'ACF' , true );
    include_once( get_template_directory() . '/advanced-custom-fields/acf.php' );
    add_action('acf/register_fields', 'myown_custom_fields');
    function myown_custom_fields() {
    	include_once( get_template_directory() . '/advanced-custom-fields/acf-repeater/repeater.php');
        include_once( get_template_directory() . '/advanced-custom-fields/acf-flexible-content/flexible-content.php');
        include_once( get_template_directory() . '/advanced-custom-fields/acf-options-page/acf-options-page.php');

    Installing it as a separate plugin, however, works fine. I don’t mind doing that, but any idea how I’d do it by bundling into my functions?


  • Hi @Jamie

    The options page must be included in the root of the functions.php file, not within the acf/register_fields filter, this is because the options page is not a field type.


  • Of course!! That makes complete sense, thanks elliot!

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