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I have event products (tours) on a website, and for this products I need to show the availables dates. My idea is to use the ACF datepicker, but you can only choose one date.
Is there a way to enable multiple select in the date picker?
I have found this tutorials, but I dont know how I could implement this with the ACF datepicker:
Jquery datepicker multiple select
Any help or suggestion will be apreciatted.
Thanks in advance,
Hi @vicdilu,
I’m sorry, but multiple dates from one picker are not supported at this time.
Have a nice day
Hi @vicdilu
Great working finding the above tutorials.
I’ll add this to the to-do and let you know when it’s in!
Thanks for your replies!
It will be a great feature if you include it in the future.
Meantime, I have managed with a text field, where the client manually types different dates, separated by commas (which later will appear in an array inside a jquery script)
Thanks again,
Is there any update from this? Have you introduced this modification yet? 🙂
Hi @elliot just wondering if you were planning on including this still (your reply from 2014 was that you were adding it as a todo…) or if you have and I’m missing it, or whether we’re still dependant on the extra plugin or a repeater.
Anything new in this topic? I would really love to have that without any external plugins(which probably doesn’t even work anymore).
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