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  • Hi @rktlwm

    I have simplified your code down to only 1 idea, this should help you understand how to get the selected $post (sub field), and then append it’s ID to an array. After the repeater field loop is complete, you have an array containing all the IDs.

    I’m not sure if this is what you are after, but your code so far hasn’t been easy to understand. I think a simpler example may help communicate the issue / solution:

    $impact_IDs = array();
    if( have_rows('strategy_impact') )
    	while( have_rows('strategy_impact') )
    		$selected_post = get_sub_field('impact_value_select');
    		$impact_IDs[] = $selected_post;
    echo '<pre>';
    	print_r( $impact_IDs );
    echo '</pre>';