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Layout inside flexible content drops out

  • Hi man!

    Having a serious issue here. I´m building a grid.

    If I have let say :

    Repeater field > Flexible Content > Repeater field > Flexible Content

    Everything works great.
    BUT if i have like this, then something breaks.

    Flexible Content > Repeater field > Flexible Content > Repeater field

    Basically, I cant start with a flexible field. What is happening is that i can´t have more then one layout in the second flexible content. If I add two layouts to the second flexible content it gets “dropped” out and i find it on the first Flexible content layout.

    What´s up with that sir?

    Best regards /


    Although sick work man.
    You can just about do anything now.. ; )

  • Hi @MR___

    Thanks for the question. The answer to which is most likely that WP is unable to save the value.

    The reason for this is due to the string length of the meta_name which you are trying to save. The more depth (from repeaters / flexible content fields), the longer the value name saved in the DB.

    Some database tables contain character limits on the metaname column. This changes from the postmeta, to the options and the usermeta tables.

    Another possibility is that your server is running out of variables or memory during the save and is simply failing to execute the save function.

    Best bet is to loog in your server logs. They will hopefully show the error that is occurring.


  • Hi, thanks for your reply.

    However, my database knowledge is not the best..
    Although i think i found a solution to my problem.
    The field_option_flexible_content “data-id”.
    I know that you are not a fan of nested flexible content, but I
    have no choice.

    If i do like this it works:
    I create 2 or more layouts of flexible content.
    Then inside of flexible content layout 2 > I put the nested flexible content. Then I can have more than 1 layout of flexible content.

    Flexible content layout(data-id:0)
    —————–layout(data-id:1) > Flexible content layout (data-id:0)
    ——————————————————layout (data-id:1)

    Then I just go back and delete the first empty layout.

    Best regards /


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