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Latest Update 4.2.0 Taxonomy field not working correctly.

  • Hey!

    I have a taxonomy custom field linked to a custom post type and it seems with the latest update to 4.2.0 the field is not working correctly.

    I have added the relational Taxonomy field and have used the add_meta_box filter to remove the taxonomies from the page to clear the clutter.

    The taxonomy is non-heirarchial and I have added it to my custom fields as a checkbox group. (I have also tried this with a multi-select too)

    The issue is that when I select the taxonomy terms in the checkbox group and click update, a new taxonomy term is created with the ->name and ->slug of the first taxonomy term in the lists’ ID. The first taxonomy term in the list is no longer selected.

    These particular taxonomy term slug’s are represented by numeric values. Could there be a conflict during the update process?

    I have downgraded to 4.1.8 and the problem disappears.

    Any ideas?



  • Hi @nathanfranklinau

    Thanks for the bug report.

    I’ll do some local testing and let you know what I find


  • Hi,

    I just wanted to report that I experience the same issue since the latest update. Really frustrating, I hope you can find the error and would appreciate it if you could solve the problem.

    Thanks a lot!


  • Just dropping in with my $0.02 as well. When I look at the custom fields for a post, the field doesn’t seem to even be registering it has even been saved. This is only true for the multi-select and checkboxes. When I swap it to radio buttons or select box, I can see a custom field being created with a stored value.

    BTW, thanks for all the hard work! You da man!

  • Same problem here, let me know if I can help. Using it with custom taxonomies and checkboxes.

  • Hey guys.

    Is this with or without the ‘Save/Load to post’ option?

  • Hey mate, With the option ticked. Nathan

  • Same here, with the ‘Save/Load to post’ option ticked.

  • Same as the above, option is ticked. I rolled back to and all seems well now.

  • I assume this is the same bug, but for me I have a custom taxonomy on my pages. When I select one/all the terms and save a new term is created based on the term_id. ie. I know have a bunch of terms like 87, 88, 89…

    Save/load is turned on. Saving to $term_object or $term_id makes no difference.

    Reverting to 4.1.8 fixed the problem for me.

  • Hey guys.

    This issue has been fixed and you can find the latest code on github


  • Updating now.

    Thanks Big E! Keep up the great work.

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